
Thursday, 31 October 2019

Maths T4 WK3

This week for maths we have been working on navigation. I enjoyed task 3 because we got to draw.

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Reading T4 WK3

This week we had to find words from the books that were connected to the story or we did not know what they mean, then we wrote what they meant.

Reading T4 WK2

For reading we had to read about chariot racing. I learnt a lot about it and it was very interesting. 

Maths T4 WK2

This week we did some work on decimals and multiplication. It was quite fun my favourite was the first task.

Maths T4 WK1

In week one we did our Maths about data and finding the Mean I liked task 2.

Reafing T4 WK1

In week one for reading we did some work on the rugby world cup and some about journals we read.